package model import ( "fmt" v1 "moredoc/api/v1" "time" "" "" ) type Download struct { Id int64 `form:"id" json:"id,omitempty" gorm:"primaryKey;autoIncrement;column:id;comment:;"` UserId int64 `form:"user_id" json:"user_id,omitempty" gorm:"column:user_id;type:bigint(20);size:20;default:0;index:idx_user_id;comment:下载文档的用户ID;"` DocumentId int64 `form:"document_id" json:"document_id,omitempty" gorm:"column:document_id;type:bigint(20);size:20;index:idx_document_id;default:0;comment:被下载的文档ID;"` Ip string `form:"ip" json:"ip,omitempty" gorm:"column:ip;type:varchar(64);size:64;index:idx_ip;comment:下载文档的用户IP;"` IsPay bool `form:"is_pay" json:"is_pay,omitempty" gorm:"column:is_pay;type:tinyint(1);size:1;default:0;comment:是否付费下载;"` CreatedAt *time.Time `form:"created_at" json:"created_at,omitempty" gorm:"column:created_at;type:datetime;comment:创建时间;index:idx_created_at"` UpdatedAt *time.Time `form:"updated_at" json:"updated_at,omitempty" gorm:"column:updated_at;type:datetime;comment:更新时间;"` } func (Download) TableName() string { return tablePrefix + "download" } // CreateDownload 创建Download func (m *DBModel) CreateDownload(download *Download) (err error) { tx := m.db.Begin() defer func() { if err != nil { tx.Rollback() } else { tx.Commit() } }() err = tx.Create(download).Error if err != nil { m.logger.Error("CreateDownload", zap.Error(err)) return } err = tx.Model(&Document{}).Where("id = ?", download.DocumentId).Update("download_count", gorm.Expr("download_count + ?", 1)).Error if err != nil { m.logger.Error("CreateDownload", zap.Error(err)) return } doc, _ := m.GetDocument(download.DocumentId, "id", "user_id", "price") if download.IsPay && doc.Price > 0 && download.UserId > 0 { // 下载该文档的用户扣除积分 err = tx.Model(&User{}).Where("id = ?", download.UserId).Update("credit_count", gorm.Expr("credit_count - ?", doc.Price)).Error if err != nil { m.logger.Error("CreateDownload", zap.Error(err)) return } // 文档的作者增加积分 err = tx.Model(&User{}).Where("id = ?", doc.UserId).Update("credit_count", gorm.Expr("credit_count + ?", doc.Price)).Error if err != nil { m.logger.Error("CreateDownload", zap.Error(err)) return } } return } // GetDownload 根据id获取Download func (m *DBModel) GetDownload(id interface{}, fields ...string) (download Download, err error) { db := m.db fields = m.FilterValidFields(Download{}.TableName(), fields...) if len(fields) > 0 { db = db.Select(fields) } err = db.Where("id = ?", id).First(&download).Error return } type OptionGetDownloadList struct { Page int Size int WithCount bool // 是否返回总数 Ids []interface{} // id列表 QueryIn map[string][]interface{} // map[field][]{value1,value2,...} } // GetDownloadList 获取Download列表 func (m *DBModel) GetDownloadList(opt *OptionGetDownloadList) (downloadList []*v1.Download, total int64, err error) { var ( tableDownload = Download{}.TableName() tableDocument = Document{}.TableName() ) db := m.db.Model(&Download{}) db = m.generateQueryIn(db, tableDownload+" "+tableDownload /* 加上表别名,防止字段冲突 */, opt.QueryIn) if len(opt.Ids) > 0 { db = db.Where(fmt.Sprintf(" in (?)", tableDownload), opt.Ids) } db = db.Joins( fmt.Sprintf( "left join %s on %s.document_id =", tableDocument, tableDownload, tableDocument, )). Where(fmt.Sprintf(" > ?", tableDocument), 0) if opt.WithCount { err = db.Count(&total).Error if err != nil { m.logger.Error("GetDownloadList", zap.Error(err)) return } } // size 为了避免字段冲突,加上了后缀_,即 size_ db = db.Select(fmt.Sprintf("%s.*, %s.*, %s.size as size_", tableDocument, tableDownload, tableDocument)) db = db.Order(fmt.Sprintf(" desc", tableDownload)) db = db.Offset((opt.Page - 1) * opt.Size).Limit(opt.Size) err = db.Find(&downloadList).Error if err != nil && err != gorm.ErrRecordNotFound { m.logger.Error("GetDownloadList", zap.Error(err)) } return } // CanIFreeDownload 判断用户是否可以免费下载 // 最后一次付费下载时间 + 免费下载时长 > 当前时间 func (m *DBModel) CanIFreeDownload(userId, documentId int64) bool { var download Download m.db.Where("user_id = ? and document_id = ? and is_pay = ?", userId, documentId, 1).Last(&download) m.logger.Debug("CanIFreeDownload", zap.Any("Last Download", download)) if download.Id == 0 { return false } cfg := m.GetConfigOfDownload(ConfigDownloadFreeDownloadDuration) m.logger.Debug("CanIFreeDownload", zap.Int32("FreeDownloadDuration", cfg.FreeDownloadDuration)) if cfg.FreeDownloadDuration <= 0 { return true } m.logger.Debug("CanIFreeDownload", zap.Any("CreatedAt", download.CreatedAt), zap.Time("Now", time.Now()), zap.Time("After", download.CreatedAt.Add(time.Duration(cfg.FreeDownloadDuration)*time.Hour*24))) return download.CreatedAt.Add(time.Duration(cfg.FreeDownloadDuration) * time.Hour * 24).After(time.Now()) } // CountDownloadToday 统计用户今日下载次数 func (m *DBModel) CountDownloadTodayForUser(userId int64) (total int64) { if userId == 0 { return } err := m.db.Model(&Download{}).Where("user_id = ?", userId).Where("created_at >= ?", time.Now().Format("2006-01-02")).Count(&total).Error if err != nil { m.logger.Error("CountDownloadToday", zap.Error(err)) } return } // CountDownloadToday 统计IP今日下载次数 func (m *DBModel) CountDownloadTodayForIP(ip string) (total int64) { if ip == "" { return } err := m.db.Model(&Download{}).Where("ip = ?", ip).Where("created_at >= ?", time.Now().Format("2006-01-02")).Count(&total).Error if err != nil { m.logger.Error("CountDownloadTodayForIP", zap.Error(err)) } return }