package model import ( "fmt" "moredoc/util" "moredoc/util/converter" "os" "path/filepath" "strings" "time" "" "" "" ) const ( // 封面,按照A4纸的尺寸比例 DocumentCoverWidth = 210 DocumentCoverHeight = 297 ) const ( DocumentStatusPending = iota // 待转换 DocumentStatusConverting // 转换中 DocumentStatusConverted // 已转换 DocumentStatusFailed // 转换失败 DocumentStatusDisabled // 已禁用 DocumentStatusRePending // 重新等待转换 ) var DocumentStatusMap = map[int]struct{}{ DocumentStatusPending: {}, DocumentStatusConverting: {}, DocumentStatusConverted: {}, DocumentStatusFailed: {}, DocumentStatusDisabled: {}, } type Document struct { Id int64 `form:"id" json:"id,omitempty" gorm:"primaryKey;autoIncrement;column:id;comment:;"` Title string `form:"title" json:"title,omitempty" gorm:"column:title;type:varchar(255);size:255;comment:文档名称;"` Keywords string `form:"keywords" json:"keywords,omitempty" gorm:"column:keywords;type:varchar(255);size:255;comment:文档关键字;"` Description string `form:"description" json:"description,omitempty" gorm:"column:description;type:varchar(255);size:255;comment:文档描述;"` UserId int64 `form:"user_id" json:"user_id,omitempty" gorm:"column:user_id;type:bigint(20);size:20;default:0;index:user_id;comment:文档所属用户ID;"` Width int `form:"width" json:"width,omitempty" gorm:"column:width;type:int(11);size:11;default:0;comment:宽;"` Height int `form:"height" json:"height,omitempty" gorm:"column:height;type:int(11);size:11;default:0;comment:高;"` Preview int `form:"preview" json:"preview,omitempty" gorm:"column:preview;type:int(11);size:11;default:0;comment:允许预览页数;"` Pages int `form:"pages" json:"pages,omitempty" gorm:"column:pages;type:int(11);size:11;default:0;comment:文档页数;index:idx_pages;"` DownloadCount int `form:"download_count" json:"download_count,omitempty" gorm:"column:download_count;type:int(11);size:11;default:0;comment:下载人次;index:idx_download_count;"` ViewCount int `form:"view_count" json:"view_count,omitempty" gorm:"column:view_count;type:int(11);size:11;default:0;comment:浏览人次;index:idx_view_count;"` FavoriteCount int `form:"favorite_count" json:"favorite_count,omitempty" gorm:"column:favorite_count;type:int(11);size:11;default:0;comment:收藏人次;index:idx_favorite_count;"` CommentCount int `form:"comment_count" json:"comment_count,omitempty" gorm:"column:comment_count;type:int(11);size:11;default:0;comment:评论人次;"` Score int `form:"score" json:"score,omitempty" gorm:"column:score;type:int(11);size:11;default:300;comment:评分,3位整数表示,500表示5分;"` ScoreCount int `form:"score_count" json:"score_count,omitempty" gorm:"column:score_count;type:int(11);size:11;default:0;comment:评分数量;"` Price int `form:"price" json:"price,omitempty" gorm:"column:price;type:int(11);size:11;default:0;comment:价格,0表示免费;index:idx_price;"` Size int64 `form:"size" json:"size,omitempty" gorm:"column:size;type:bigint(20);size:20;default:0;comment:文件大小;"` Ext string `form:"ext" json:"ext,omitempty" gorm:"column:ext;type:varchar(16);size:16;index:idx_ext;comment:文件扩展名"` Status int `form:"status" json:"status,omitempty" gorm:"column:status;type:smallint(6);size:6;default:0;index:status;comment:文档状态:0 待转换,1 转换中,2 转换完成,3 转换失败,4 禁用;"` CreatedAt *time.Time `form:"created_at" json:"created_at,omitempty" gorm:"column:created_at;type:datetime;comment:创建时间;"` UpdatedAt *time.Time `form:"updated_at" json:"updated_at,omitempty" gorm:"column:updated_at;type:datetime;comment:更新时间;"` DeletedAt *gorm.DeletedAt `form:"deleted_at" json:"deleted_at,omitempty" gorm:"column:deleted_at;type:datetime;index:idx_deleted_at;comment:删除时间;"` DeletedUserId int64 `form:"deleted_user_id" json:"deleted_user_id,omitempty" gorm:"column:deleted_user_id;type:bigint(20);size:20;default:0;comment:删除用户ID;"` EnableGZIP bool `form:"enable_gzip" json:"enable_gzip,omitempty" gorm:"column:enable_gzip;type:tinyint(1);size:1;default:0;comment:是否启用GZIP压缩;"` RecommendAt *time.Time `form:"recommend_at" json:"recommend_at,omitempty" gorm:"column:recommend_at;type:datetime;comment:推荐时间;index:idx_recommend_at;"` PreviewExt string `form:"preview_ext" json:"preview_ext,omitempty" gorm:"column:preview_ext;type:varchar(16);size:16;default:.svg;comment:预览图扩展名;"` } func (Document) TableName() string { return tablePrefix + "document" } // UpdateDocument 更新Document,如果需要更新指定字段,则请指定updateFields参数 func (m *DBModel) UpdateDocument(document *Document, categoryId []int64, updateFields ...string) (err error) { sess := m.db.Begin() defer func() { if err != nil { sess.Rollback() } else { sess.Commit() } }() var ( oldDocCategories []DocumentCategory oldDocCategoryIds []int64 newDocCategories []DocumentCategory modelDocumentCategory = &DocumentCategory{} modelCategory = &Category{} ) sess.Table(modelDocumentCategory.TableName()).Select("category_id").Where("document_id = ?", document.Id).Find(&oldDocCategories) for _, cate := range oldDocCategories { oldDocCategoryIds = append(oldDocCategoryIds, cate.CategoryId) } if len(oldDocCategoryIds) > 0 { err = sess.Where("document_id = ?", document.Id).Delete(modelDocumentCategory).Error if err != nil { m.logger.Error("Delete DocumentCategory", zap.Error(err)) return } // 更新分类统计 err = sess.Model(modelCategory).Where("id in (?)", oldDocCategoryIds).Update("doc_count", gorm.Expr("doc_count - ?", 1)).Error if err != nil { m.logger.Error("Update doc_count--", zap.Error(err)) return } } for _, cateId := range categoryId { newDocCategories = append(newDocCategories, DocumentCategory{ DocumentId: document.Id, CategoryId: cateId, }) } if len(newDocCategories) > 0 { m.logger.Debug("newDocCategories", zap.Any("newDocCategories", newDocCategories)) err = sess.Create(&newDocCategories).Error if err != nil { m.logger.Error("Create New Category", zap.Error(err)) return } err = sess.Model(modelCategory).Where("id in (?)", categoryId).Update("doc_count", gorm.Expr("doc_count + ?", 1)).Error if err != nil { m.logger.Error("Update doc_count++", zap.Error(err)) return } } updateFields = m.FilterValidFields(Document{}.TableName(), updateFields...) if len(updateFields) > 0 { // 更新指定字段 sess = sess.Select(updateFields) } else { sess = sess.Select(m.GetTableFields(document.TableName())).Omit("deleted_at", "deleted_user_id") } err = sess.Where("id = ?", document.Id).Updates(document).Error if err != nil { m.logger.Error("UpdateDocument", zap.Error(err)) return } return } func (m *DBModel) SetDocumentReconvert() (err error) { err = m.db.Model(&Document{}). Where("status = ?", DocumentStatusFailed). Update("status", DocumentStatusPending).Error if err != nil { m.logger.Error("SetDocumentReconvert", zap.Error(err)) } return } func (m *DBModel) UpdateDocumentField(id int64, fieldValue map[string]interface{}) (err error) { err = m.db.Model(&Document{}).Where("id = ?", id).Updates(fieldValue).Error if err != nil { m.logger.Error("UpdateDocumentField", zap.Error(err)) return } return } // GetDocument 根据id获取Document func (m *DBModel) GetDocument(id interface{}, fields ...string) (document Document, err error) { db := m.db fields = m.FilterValidFields(Document{}.TableName(), fields...) if len(fields) > 0 { db = db.Select(fields) } err = db.Where("id = ?", id).First(&document).Error return } type OptionGetDocumentList struct { Page int Size int WithCount bool // 是否返回总数 Ids []interface{} // id列表 SelectFields []string // 查询字段 QueryRange map[string][2]interface{} // map[field][]{min,max} QueryIn map[string][]interface{} // map[field][]{value1,value2,...} QueryLike map[string][]interface{} // map[field][]{value1,value2,...} Sort []string IsRecycle bool // 是否是回收站模式查询 IsRecommend []bool FeeType string // 费用类型:free免费,charge收费 } // GetDocumentList 获取Document列表 func (m *DBModel) GetDocumentList(opt *OptionGetDocumentList) (documentList []Document, total int64, err error) { tableDocument := Document{}.TableName() + " d" db := m.db.Unscoped().Table(tableDocument) if opt.IsRecycle { // 回收站模式,只根据删除的倒序排序 opt.Sort = []string{"d.deleted_at desc"} db = db.Where("d.deleted_at IS NOT NULL") } else { db = db.Where("d.deleted_at IS NULL") } m.logger.Debug("GetDocumentList", zap.Any("opt", opt)) db = m.generateQueryIn(db, tableDocument, opt.QueryIn) db = m.generateQueryLike(db, tableDocument, opt.QueryLike) db = m.generateQueryRange(db, tableDocument, opt.QueryRange) if len(opt.Ids) > 0 { db = db.Where("id in (?)", opt.Ids) } if categoryIds, ok := opt.QueryIn["category_id"]; ok && len(categoryIds) > 0 { tableCategory := DocumentCategory{}.TableName() db = db.Joins("left join "+tableCategory+" dc on dc.document_id =").Where("dc.category_id in (?)", categoryIds) } if l := len(opt.IsRecommend); l == 1 { if opt.IsRecommend[0] { db = db.Where("d.`recommend_at` IS NOT NULL") } else { db = db.Where("d.`recommend_at` IS NULL") } } if opt.FeeType != "" { switch opt.FeeType { case "free": db = db.Where("d.`price` = ?", 0) case "charge": db = db.Where("d.`price` > ?", 0) } } if opt.WithCount { err = db.Group("").Count(&total).Error if err != nil { m.logger.Error("GetDocumentList", zap.Error(err)) return } } opt.SelectFields = m.FilterValidFields(tableDocument, opt.SelectFields...) if len(opt.SelectFields) > 0 { db = db.Select(opt.SelectFields) } else { db = db.Select(m.GetTableFields(tableDocument)) } if len(opt.Sort) > 0 { db = m.generateQuerySort(db, tableDocument, opt.Sort) } else { db = db.Order(" desc") } db = db.Offset((opt.Page - 1) * opt.Size).Limit(opt.Size) err = db.Group("").Find(&documentList).Error if err != nil && err != gorm.ErrRecordNotFound { m.logger.Error("GetDocumentList", zap.Error(err)) } return } // DeleteDocument 删除数据 func (m *DBModel) DeleteDocument(ids []int64, deletedUserId int64, deepDelete ...bool) (err error) { var ( docs []Document docCates []DocumentCategory docFields = []string{"id", "status", "user_id", "deleted_at", "deleted_user_id", "title"} docCateFields = []string{"id", "document_id", "category_id"} modelUser = &User{} modelDocument = &Document{} modelDocumentCategory = &DocumentCategory{} modelCategory = &Category{} docCateMap = make(map[int64][]int64) ) // 1. 查询文档信息 m.db.Model(modelDocument).Select(docFields).Unscoped().Where("id in (?)", ids).Find(&docs) m.db.Model(modelDocumentCategory).Select(docCateFields).Where("document_id in (?)", ids).Find(&docCates) for _, docCate := range docCates { docCateMap[docCate.DocumentId] = append(docCateMap[docCate.DocumentId], docCate.CategoryId) } cfgScore := m.GetConfigOfScore(ConfigScoreDeleteDocument, ConfigScoreCreditName) sess := m.db.Begin() defer func() { if err != nil { sess.Rollback() } else { sess.Commit() } }() if len(deepDelete) > 0 && deepDelete[0] { // 标记附件为删除状态 err = sess.Where("type = ? and type_id in (?)", AttachmentTypeDocument, ids).Delete(&Attachment{}).Error if err != nil { m.logger.Error("DeleteDocument", zap.Error(err)) return } } for _, doc := range docs { if doc.DeletedAt == nil { err = sess.Model(modelUser).Where("id = ?", doc.UserId).Update("doc_count", gorm.Expr("doc_count - ?", 1)).Error if err != nil { m.logger.Error("DeleteDocument", zap.Error(err)) return } if cateIds, ok := docCateMap[doc.Id]; ok && len(cateIds) > 0 { err = sess.Model(modelCategory).Where("id in (?)", cateIds).Update("doc_count", gorm.Expr("doc_count - ?", 1)).Error if err != nil { m.logger.Error("DeleteDocument", zap.Error(err)) return } } } if len(deepDelete) > 0 && deepDelete[0] { // 彻底删除 err = sess.Unscoped().Delete(&doc).Error if err != nil { m.logger.Error("DeleteDocument", zap.Error(err)) return } // 关联的分类也需要删除 err = sess.Unscoped().Where("document_id = ?", doc.Id).Delete(modelDocumentCategory).Error if err != nil { m.logger.Error("DeleteDocument", zap.Error(err)) return } continue } // 逻辑删除 err = sess.Model(&doc).Where("id = ?", doc.Id).Updates(map[string]interface{}{ "deleted_at": time.Now(), "deleted_user_id": deletedUserId, }).Error if err != nil { m.logger.Error("DeleteDocument", zap.Error(err)) return } // 扣除积分和添加动态 dynamic := &Dynamic{ UserId: doc.UserId, Type: DynamicTypeDeleteDocument, Content: fmt.Sprintf("删除了文档《%s》", doc.Title), } if cfgScore.DeleteDocument != 0 { // 小于0表示扣除积分 score := cfgScore.DeleteDocument if score < 0 { score = -score } dynamic.Content += fmt.Sprintf(",扣除了 %d %s", score, cfgScore.CreditName) err = sess.Model(modelUser).Where("id = ?", doc.UserId).Update("credit_count", gorm.Expr("credit_count - ?", score)).Error if err != nil { m.logger.Error("DeleteDocument", zap.Error(err)) return } } err = sess.Create(dynamic).Error if err != nil { m.logger.Error("DeleteDocument", zap.Error(err)) return } if err != nil { m.logger.Error("DeleteDocument", zap.Error(err)) return } } return } // RecoverRecycleDocument 恢复回收站中的文档 func (m *DBModel) RecoverRecycleDocument(documentId []int64) (err error) { var ( modelDocument = &Document{} modelCategory = &Category{} modelUser = &User{} documentCategories []DocumentCategory docs []Document ) m.db.Select([]string{"category_id"}).Where("document_id in (?)", documentId).Find(&documentCategories) m.db.Select("user_id").Unscoped().Where("id in (?)", documentId).Find(&docs) sess := m.db.Begin() defer func() { if err != nil { sess.Rollback() } else { sess.Commit() } }() err = sess.Model(modelDocument).Unscoped().Where("id in ?", documentId).Updates(map[string]interface{}{ "deleted_at": nil, "deleted_user_id": 0, }).Error if err != nil { m.logger.Error("RecoverRecycleDocument", zap.Error(err)) return } for _, docCate := range documentCategories { err = sess.Model(modelCategory).Where("id = ?", docCate.CategoryId).Update("doc_count", gorm.Expr("doc_count + ?", 1)).Error if err != nil { m.logger.Error("RecoverRecycleDocument", zap.Error(err)) return } } for _, doc := range docs { err = sess.Model(modelUser).Where("id = ?", doc.UserId).Update("doc_count", gorm.Expr("doc_count + ?", 1)).Error if err != nil { m.logger.Error("RecoverRecycleDocument", zap.Error(err)) return } } return } func (m *DBModel) ClearRecycleDocument() (err error) { var docs []Document err = m.db.Unscoped().Select("id").Where("deleted_at is not null").Find(&docs).Error if err != nil && err != gorm.ErrRecordNotFound { m.logger.Error("ClearRecycleDocument", zap.Error(err)) return } if len(docs) == 0 { err = nil return } var ids []int64 for _, doc := range docs { ids = append(ids, doc.Id) } err = m.DeleteDocument(ids, 0, true) if err != nil { m.logger.Error("DeleteDocument", zap.Error(err)) } return } // 批量创建文档 func (m *DBModel) CreateDocuments(documents []Document, categoryIds []int64) (docs []Document, err error) { sess := m.db.Begin() defer func() { if err != nil { sess.Rollback() } else { sess.Commit() } }() docCount := len(documents) // 1. 分类下的文档数增加 err = sess.Model(&Category{}). Where("id in ?", categoryIds). Update("doc_count", gorm.Expr("doc_count + ?", docCount)).Error if err != nil { m.logger.Error("CreateDocuments", zap.Error(err)) return } // 2. 批量创建文档 err = sess.Create(documents).Error if err != nil { m.logger.Error("CreateDocuments", zap.Error(err)) return } docs = documents // 3. 文档与分类关联 var docCates []DocumentCategory for _, doc := range documents { for _, cateId := range categoryIds { docCates = append(docCates, DocumentCategory{ DocumentId: doc.Id, CategoryId: cateId, }) } } err = sess.Create(docCates).Error if err != nil { m.logger.Error("CreateDocuments", zap.Error(err)) return } // 用户文档数增加 err = sess.Model(&User{}).Where("id = ?", documents[0].UserId).Update("doc_count", gorm.Expr("doc_count + ?", docCount)).Error if err != nil { m.logger.Error("CreateDocuments", zap.Error(err)) return } // 奖励的数量 awardCount := docCount cfg := m.GetConfigOfScore() m.logger.Debug("CreateDocuments", zap.Any("GetConfigOfScore", cfg)) if cfg.UploadDocumentLimit > 0 { var todayUploadCount int64 sess.Model(&Document{}).Where("user_id = ? and created_at >= ?", documents[0].UserId, time.Now().Format("2006-01-02")).Count(&todayUploadCount) // 默认获得的积分奖励 creditCount := cfg.UploadDocument * int32(docCount) if todayUploadCount > int64(cfg.UploadDocumentLimit) { awardCount = int(cfg.UploadDocumentLimit + int32(docCount) - int32(todayUploadCount)) creditCount = cfg.UploadDocument * int32(awardCount) } m.logger.Debug("CreateDocuments", zap.Int32("creditCount", creditCount)) if creditCount > 0 { err = sess.Model(&User{}).Where("id = ?", documents[0].UserId).Update("credit_count", gorm.Expr("credit_count + ?", creditCount)).Error if err != nil { m.logger.Error("CreateDocuments", zap.Error(err)) return } } } // 添加动态 var dynamics []Dynamic for idx, doc := range documents { var award int32 if idx < awardCount { award = cfg.UploadDocument } content := fmt.Sprintf(`上传了文档《%s》`, doc.Id, html.EscapeString(doc.Title)) if award > 0 { content += fmt.Sprintf(`,获得了 %d %s奖励`, award, m.GetCreditName()) } dynamics = append(dynamics, Dynamic{ UserId: doc.UserId, Type: DynamicTypeUpload, Content: content, }) } err = sess.Create(dynamics).Error if err != nil { m.logger.Error("CreateDocuments", zap.Error(err)) return } return } // GetDocumentStatusConvertedByHash 根据文档hash,查询已转换了的文档状态 func (m *DBModel) GetDocumentStatusConvertedByHash(hash []string) (hashMapDocuments map[string]Document) { var ( tableDocument = Document{}.TableName() tableAttachment = Attachment{}.TableName() attachMapIndex = make(map[int64]int) documentIds []int64 docs []Document ) hashMapDocuments = make(map[string]Document) sql := fmt.Sprintf( "select a.hash,a.type_id from %s a left join %s d on a.type_id = where a.hash in ? and d.status = ? group by a.hash", tableAttachment, tableDocument, ) var attachemnts []Attachment err := m.db.Raw(sql, hash, DocumentStatusConverted).Find(&attachemnts).Error if err != nil { m.logger.Error("GetDocumentStatusConvertedByHash", zap.Error(err)) return } for idx, attachment := range attachemnts { attachMapIndex[attachment.TypeId] = idx documentIds = append(documentIds, attachment.TypeId) } if len(documentIds) == 0 { return } m.db.Where("id in ?", documentIds).Find(&docs) for _, doc := range docs { hashMapDocuments[attachemnts[attachMapIndex[doc.Id]].Hash] = doc } return } // ConvertDocument 文档转换。如果err返回gorm.ErrRecordNotFound,表示已没有文档需要转换 // 1. 查询待转换的文档 // 2. 文档对应的md5 hash中,是否有已转换的文档,如果有,则直接关联和调整状态为已转换 // 3. 文档转PDF // 4. PDF截取第一章图片作为封面 // 5. 根据允许最大的预览页面,将PDF转为svg,同时转gzip压缩,如果有需要的话 // 6. 提取PDF文本以及获取文档信息 // 7. 更新文档状态 func (m *DBModel) ConvertDocument() (err error) { var document Document err = m.db.Where("status in ?", []int{DocumentStatusPending, DocumentStatusRePending}).First(&document).Error if err != nil { if err != gorm.ErrRecordNotFound { m.logger.Error("ConvertDocument", zap.Error(err)) } return } defer func() { m.SetDocumentConvertError(document.Id, err) }() // 文档转为PDF cfg := m.GetConfigOfConverter() m.SetDocumentStatus(document.Id, DocumentStatusConverting) attachment := m.GetAttachmentByTypeAndTypeId(AttachmentTypeDocument, document.Id) if attachment.Id == 0 { // 附件不存在 m.SetDocumentStatus(document.Id, DocumentStatusFailed) if err != nil { m.logger.Error("ConvertDocument", zap.Error(err)) } return } localFile := strings.TrimLeft(attachment.Path, "./") baseDir := strings.TrimSuffix(localFile, filepath.Ext(localFile)) cover := baseDir + "/cover.png" if !cfg.EnableConvertRepeatedDocument && document.Status != DocumentStatusRePending { _, errCover := os.Stat(cover) hashMapDocs := m.GetDocumentStatusConvertedByHash([]string{attachment.Hash}) // 文档hash if len(hashMapDocs) > 0 && errCover == nil { // 双重确认文档是否已转换成功:1. 存在相同hash的已转换的文档,2. 存在封面图片 m.logger.Info("ConvertDocument", zap.Bool("EnableConvertRepeatedDocument", cfg.EnableConvertRepeatedDocument), zap.String("hash", attachment.Hash), zap.Any("hashMapDocs", hashMapDocs)) // 已有文档转换成功,将hash相同的文档相关数据迁移到当前文档 sql := " UPDATE `%s` SET `description`= ? , `enable_gzip` = ?, `width` = ?, `height`= ?, `preview`= ?, `pages` = ?, `status` = ? WHERE status in ? and id in (select type_id from `%s` where `hash` = ? and `type` = ?)" sql = fmt.Sprintf(sql, Document{}.TableName(), Attachment{}.TableName()) for hash, doc := range hashMapDocs { err = m.db.Exec(sql, doc.Description, doc.EnableGZIP, doc.Width, doc.Height, doc.Preview, doc.Pages, DocumentStatusConverted, []int{DocumentStatusPending, DocumentStatusConverting, DocumentStatusFailed}, hash, AttachmentTypeDocument, ).Error if err != nil { m.logger.Error("ConvertDocument", zap.Error(err)) return } } return } } timeout := 30 * time.Minute if cfg.Timeout > 0 { timeout = time.Duration(cfg.Timeout) * time.Minute } cvt := converter.NewConverter(m.logger, timeout) defer cvt.Clean() // 清除缓存目录 dstPDF, err := cvt.ConvertToPDF(localFile) if err != nil { m.SetDocumentStatus(document.Id, DocumentStatusFailed) m.logger.Error("ConvertDocument", zap.Error(err)) return } document.Pages, _ = cvt.CountPDFPages(dstPDF) document.Preview = cfg.MaxPreview if document.Pages < cfg.MaxPreview { document.Preview = document.Pages } // PDF截取第一章图片作为封面(封面不是最重要的,期间出现错误,不影响文档转换) pages, err := cvt.ConvertPDFToPNG(dstPDF, 1, 1) if err != nil { m.logger.Error("get pdf cover", zap.Error(err)) } if len(pages) > 0 { coverBig := baseDir + "/cover.big.png" util.CopyFile(pages[0].PagePath, coverBig) util.CopyFile(pages[0].PagePath, cover) util.CropImage(cover, DocumentCoverWidth, DocumentCoverHeight) document.Width, document.Height, _ = util.GetImageSize(coverBig) // 页面宽高 } // PDF转为SVG toPage := document.Pages if cfg.MaxPreview > 0 { toPage = cfg.MaxPreview } if toPage > document.Pages { toPage = document.Pages } pages, err = cvt.ConvertPDFToPages(dstPDF, 1, toPage, &converter.OptionConvertPages{ EnableSVGO: cfg.EnableSVGO, EnableGZIP: cfg.EnableGZIP, Extension: cfg.Extension, }) if err != nil { m.SetDocumentStatus(document.Id, DocumentStatusFailed) m.logger.Error("ConvertDocument", zap.Error(err)) return } ext := "." + cfg.Extension if ext == ".svg" && cfg.EnableGZIP { ext = ".gzip.svg" } for _, page := range pages { dst := fmt.Sprintf(baseDir+"/%d%s", page.PageNum, ext) m.logger.Debug("ConvertDocument CopyFile", zap.String("src", page.PagePath), zap.String("dst", dst)) errCopy := util.CopyFile(page.PagePath, dst) if errCopy != nil { m.logger.Error("ConvertDocument CopyFile", zap.Error(errCopy)) } } // 提取PDF文本以及获取文档信息 textFile, _ := cvt.ConvertPDFToTxt(dstPDF) util.CopyFile(textFile, baseDir+"/content.txt") // 读取文本内容,以提取关键字和摘要 if content, errRead := os.ReadFile(textFile); errRead == nil { contentStr := string(content) replacer := strings.NewReplacer("\r", " ", "\n", " ", "\t", " ") document.Description = strings.TrimSpace(replacer.Replace(util.Substr(contentStr, 255))) } document.Status = DocumentStatusConverted document.EnableGZIP = cfg.EnableGZIP document.PreviewExt = strings.TrimPrefix(ext, ".gzip") err = m.db.Select("description", "cover", "width", "height", "preview", "pages", "status", "enable_gzip", "preview_ext").Where("id = ?", document.Id).Updates(document).Error if err != nil { m.SetDocumentStatus(document.Id, DocumentStatusFailed) m.logger.Error("ConvertDocument", zap.Error(err)) } return } func (m *DBModel) SetDocumentStatus(documentId int64, status int) (err error) { err = m.db.Model(&Document{}).Where("id = ?", documentId).Update("status", status).Error if err != nil { m.logger.Error("SetDocumentStatus", zap.Error(err)) } return } // 设置文章推荐状态 func (m *DBModel) SetDocumentRecommend(documentIds []int64, typ int32) (err error) { db := m.db.Model(&Document{}).Where("id in (?)", documentIds) switch typ { case 0: // 取消推荐 err = db.Update("recommend_at", nil).Error case 1: // 推荐 err = db.Where("recommend_at IS NULL").Update("recommend_at", time.Now()).Error case 2: // 置顶 err = db.Update("recommend_at", time.Now()).Error } if err != nil { m.logger.Error("SetDocumentRecommend", zap.Error(err)) } return } func (m *DBModel) CountDocument(status (count int64, err error) { db := m.db.Model(&Document{}) if len(status) > 0 { db = db.Where("status in (?)", status) } err = db.Count(&count).Error if err != nil { m.logger.Error("CountDocument", zap.Error(err)) } return } func (m *DBModel) SetDocumentsCategory(documentId, categoryId []int64) (err error) { tx := m.db.Begin() defer func() { if err != nil { tx.Rollback() } else { tx.Commit() } }() for _, id := range documentId { // 1. 旧的文档分类,减少计数 var docCates []DocumentCategory m.db.Model(&DocumentCategory{}).Where("document_id = ?", id).Find(&docCates) for _, cate := range docCates { err = tx.Model(&Category{}).Where("id = ?", cate.CategoryId).Update("doc_count", gorm.Expr("doc_count - ?", 1)).Error if err != nil { m.logger.Error("SetDocumentsCategory", zap.Error(err)) return } } // 2. 删除旧的分类 err = tx.Model(&DocumentCategory{}).Where("document_id = ?", id).Delete(&DocumentCategory{}).Error if err != nil { m.logger.Error("SetDocumentsCategory", zap.Error(err)) return } // 3. 添加新的分类 docCates = []DocumentCategory{} for _, cid := range categoryId { docCates = append(docCates, DocumentCategory{ DocumentId: id, CategoryId: cid, }) } err = tx.Create(&docCates).Error if err != nil { m.logger.Error("SetDocumentsCategory", zap.Error(err)) return } // 4. 更新文档分类统计 err = tx.Model(&Category{}).Where("id in (?)", categoryId).Update("doc_count", gorm.Expr("doc_count + ?", 1)).Error if err != nil { m.logger.Error("SetDocumentsCategory", zap.Error(err)) return } } return }