You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

68 lines
1.4 KiB

package jieba
import (
var (
chineseChar = map[string]bool{
"": true, "。": true, "": true, "": true, "、": true, "": true, "": true,
"": true, "": true, "《": true, "》": true, "“": true, "”": true, "": true,
"": true, "【": true, "】": true, "『": true, "』": true, "": true, "": true,
"〈": true, "〉": true, "﹑": true, "●": true, "…": true, "—": true, "": true,
seg jiebago.Segmenter
dictPath = "dictionary/dict.txt"
dictLoaded = false
func init() {
err := loadDictionary()
if err != nil {
func loadDictionary(dict ...string) error {
if dictLoaded {
return nil
if len(dict) > 0 {
path := dict[0]
if path != "" {
dictPath = path
err := seg.LoadDictionary(dictPath)
if err == nil {
dictLoaded = true
return err
func SegWords(text string) []string {
words := make([]string, 0)
exist := make(map[string]bool)
for word := range seg.CutForSearch(text, true) {
wd := strings.TrimSpace(word)
if _, ok := exist[wd]; ok {
exist[wd] = true
l := utf8.RuneCountInString(wd)
if !(l < 2 || (l == 1 && (isChineseChar(wd) || unicode.IsPunct(rune(wd[0]))))) { // 跳过空格和标点符号
words = append(words, wd)
return words
func isChineseChar(term string) bool {
_, ok := chineseChar[term]
return ok