You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

774 lines
46 KiB

package model
import (
1 year ago
1 year ago
jsoniter ""
1 year ago
var json = jsoniter.ConfigCompatibleWithStandardLibrary
const (
// ConfigCategorySystem 系统配置系统名称、logo、版权信息、是否闭站等
ConfigCategorySystem = "system"
// ConfigCategoryUser 用户配置:是否启用注册、是否需要审核等
ConfigCategoryUser = "user"
// ConfigCategoryEmail 邮箱配置smtp服务器、端口、用户名、密码、发件人
ConfigCategoryEmail = "email"
// ConfigCategoryCaptcha 验证码配置:是否启用验证码、验证码有效期、验证码长度、验证码类型等
ConfigCategoryCaptcha = "captcha"
// ConfigCategorySecurity 安全配置项
ConfigCategorySecurity = "security"
// ConfigCategoryFooter 底部链接
ConfigCategoryFooter = "footer"
// ConfigCategoryConverter 转换配置项
ConfigCategoryConverter = "converter"
// 下载配置
ConfigCategoryDownload = "download"
// 积分规则
ConfigCategoryScore = "score"
// 显示配置
ConfigCategoryDisplay = "display"
const (
InputTypeNumber = "number" // 数字
InputTypeSwitch = "switch" // switch
InputTypeSelect = "select" // 单选
InputTypeSelectMulti = "select-multi" // 多选
InputTypeText = "text" // 文本框
InputTypeTextarea = "textarea" // 多行文本框
InputTypePassword = "password" // 密码
InputTypeImage = "image" // 图片
type Config struct {
Id int64 `form:"id" json:"id,omitempty" gorm:"primaryKey;autoIncrement;column:id;comment:;"`
Label string `form:"label" json:"label,omitempty" gorm:"column:label;type:varchar(64);size:64;comment:标签名称;"`
Name string `form:"name" json:"name,omitempty" gorm:"column:name;type:varchar(64);size:64;index:name_category,unique;comment:表单字段名称;"`
Value string `form:"value" json:"value,omitempty" gorm:"column:value;type:text;comment:值;"`
Placeholder string `form:"placeholder" json:"placeholder,omitempty" gorm:"column:placeholder;type:varchar(255);size:255;comment:提示信息;"`
InputType string `form:"input_type" json:"input_type,omitempty" gorm:"column:input_type;type:varchar(32);size:32;default:text;comment:输入类型;"`
Category string `form:"category" json:"category,omitempty" gorm:"column:category;type:varchar(32);size:32;index:name_category,unique;index:category;comment:所属类别;"`
2 years ago
Sort int `form:"sort" json:"sort,omitempty" gorm:"column:sort;type:int(11);size:11;default:0;comment:同一category下的排序这里按顺序排序值越小越靠前;"`
Options string `form:"options" json:"options,omitempty" gorm:"column:options;type:text;comment:针对checkbox等的枚举值;"`
CreatedAt *time.Time `form:"created_at" json:"created_at,omitempty" gorm:"column:created_at;type:datetime;comment:创建时间;"`
UpdatedAt *time.Time `form:"updated_at" json:"updated_at,omitempty" gorm:"column:updated_at;type:datetime;comment:更新时间;"`
IsSecret bool `form:"is_secret" json:"is_secret,omitempty" gorm:"column:is_secret;type:tinyint(1);size:1;default:0;comment:是否是私密信息;"`
func (Config) TableName() string {
return tablePrefix + "config"
// CreateConfig 创建Config
func (m *DBModel) CreateConfig(config *Config) (err error) {
err = m.db.Create(config).Error
if err != nil {
m.logger.Error("CreateConfig", zap.Error(err))
// UpdateConfig 更新Config如果需要更新指定字段则请指定updateFields参数
func (m *DBModel) UpdateConfig(config *Config, updateFields ...string) (err error) {
db := m.db.Model(config)
updateFields = m.FilterValidFields(Config{}.TableName(), updateFields...)
if len(updateFields) > 0 { // 更新指定字段
db = db.Select(updateFields)
err = db.Where("id = ?", config.Id).Updates(config).Error
if err != nil {
m.logger.Error("UpdateConfig", zap.Error(err))
2 years ago
// UpdateConfigs 配置项批量更新
func (m *DBModel) UpdateConfigs(configs []*Config, updateFields ...string) (err error) {
sess := m.db.Begin()
defer func() {
if err != nil {
} else {
tableName := Config{}.TableName()
updateFields = m.FilterValidFields(tableName, updateFields...)
if len(updateFields) == 0 {
updateFields = m.GetTableFields(tableName)
for _, config := range configs {
m.logger.Debug("UpdateConfigs", zap.Any("config", config), zap.Any("updateFields", updateFields))
if err = sess.Select(updateFields).Updates(config).Error; err != nil {
2 years ago
m.logger.Error("UpdateConfigs", zap.Error(err))
// GetConfig 根据id获取Config
func (m *DBModel) GetConfig(id interface{}, fields ...string) (config Config, err error) {
db := m.db
fields = m.FilterValidFields(Config{}.TableName(), fields...)
if len(fields) > 0 {
db = db.Select(fields)
err = db.Where("id = ?", id).First(&config).Error
// GetConfigByNameCategory(name string, category string, fields ...string) 根据唯一索引获取Config
func (m *DBModel) GetConfigByNameCategory(name string, category string, fields ...string) (config Config, err error) {
db := m.db
fields = m.FilterValidFields(Config{}.TableName(), fields...)
if len(fields) > 0 {
db = db.Select(fields)
db = db.Where("name = ?", name)
db = db.Where("category = ?", category)
err = db.First(&config).Error
if err != nil && err != gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
m.logger.Error("GetConfigByNameCategory", zap.Error(err))
type OptionGetConfigList struct {
2 years ago
SelectFields []string // 查询字段
QueryIn map[string][]interface{} // map[field][]{value1,value2,...}
// GetConfigList 获取Config列表
2 years ago
func (m *DBModel) GetConfigList(opt *OptionGetConfigList) (configList []Config, err error) {
db := m.db.Model(&Config{})
2 years ago
db = m.generateQueryIn(db, Config{}.TableName(), opt.QueryIn)
err = db.Order("sort asc").Find(&configList).Error
if err != nil && err != gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
m.logger.Error("GetConfigList", zap.Error(err))
// DeleteConfig 删除数据
func (m *DBModel) DeleteConfig(ids []interface{}) (err error) {
err = m.db.Where("id in (?)", ids).Delete(&Config{}).Error
if err != nil {
m.logger.Error("DeleteConfig", zap.Error(err))
2 years ago
const (
ConfigCaptchaLength = "length"
ConfigCaptchaWidth = "width"
ConfigCaptchaHeight = "height"
ConfigCaptchaType = "type"
type ConfigCaptcha struct {
Length int `json:"length"` // 验证码长度
Width int `json:"width"`
Height int `json:"height"`
Type string `json:"type"` // 验证码类型
const (
ConfigSystemSitename = "sitename"
ConfigSystemDomain = "domain"
ConfigSystemTitle = "title"
ConfigSystemDescription = "description"
ConfigSystemKeywords = "keywords"
1 year ago
ConfigSystemRecommendWords = "recommend_words"
ConfigSystemLogo = "logo"
ConfigSystemFavicon = "favicon"
ConfigSystemLoginBackground = "login_background"
ConfigSystemRegistrerBackground = "register_background"
ConfigSystemIcp = "icp"
ConfigSystemSecIcp = "sec_icp"
ConfigSystemAnalytics = "analytics"
ConfigSystemCopyrightStartYear = "copyright_start_year"
type ConfigSystem struct {
1 year ago
Sitename string `json:"sitename"` // 网站名称
Domain string `json:"domain"` // 站点域名,带 HTTPS:// 或 HTTP://
1 year ago
Title string `json:"title"` // 网站首页标题
Keywords string `json:"keywords"` // 系统关键字
Description string `json:"description"` // 系统描述
Logo string `json:"logo"` // logo
Favicon string `json:"favicon"` // favicon
ConfigSystemRegistrerBackground string `json:"register_background"` // 注册页面背景图
ConfigSystemLoginBackground string `json:"login_background"` // 登录页面背景图
SecICP string `json:"sec_icp"` // 网站备案
1 year ago
ICP string `json:"icp"` // 网站备案
Analytics string `json:"analytics"` // 统计代码
CopyrightStartYear string `json:"copyright_start_year"` // 版权年
RecommendWords []string `json:"recommend_words"` // 推荐词,首页收缩推荐词
const (
ConfigSecurityMaxDocumentSize = "max_document_size" // 是否关闭注册
ConfigSecurityCommentInterval = "comment_interval" // 评论时间间隔
ConfigSecurityIsClose = "is_close" // 是否关闭注册
ConfigSecurityCloseStatement = "close_statement" // 闭站说明
ConfigSecurityEnableRegister = "enable_register" // 是否允许注册
ConfigSecurityEnableCaptchaLogin = "enable_captcha_login" // 是否开启登录验证码
ConfigSecurityEnableCaptchaRegister = "enable_captcha_register" // 是否开启注册验证码
ConfigSecurityEnableCaptchaComment = "enable_captcha_comment" // 是否开启注册验证码
ConfigSecurityEnableCaptchaFindPassword = "enable_captcha_find_password" // 是否开启注册验证码
1 year ago
ConfigSecurityDocumentRelatedDuration = "document_related_duration" // 相关文档有效期默认为7天最小值为1
ConfigSecurityDocumentAllowedExt = "document_allowed_ext" // 允许上传的文档类型
ConfigSecurityLoginRequired = "login_required" // 是否需要登录才能查看文档
1 year ago
ConfigSecurityAttachmentRetentionMinute = "attachment_retention_minute" // 被删除的附件,保留时长,单位分钟
ConfigSecurityEnableVerifyRegisterEmail = "enable_verify_register_email" // 是否开启注册邮箱验证
type ConfigSecurity struct {
MaxDocumentSize int32 `json:"max_document_size"` // 允许上传的最大文档大小
CommentInterval int32 `json:"comment_interval"` // 评论时间间隔, 单位秒
DocumentRelatedDuration int32 `json:"document_related_duration"` // 相关文档有效期默认为7天最小值为1
1 year ago
AttachmentRetentionMinute int32 `json:"attachment_retention_minute"` // 被删除的附件,保留时长,单位分钟
IsClose bool `json:"is_close"` // 是否闭站
CloseStatement string `json:"close_statement"` // 闭站说明
EnableRegister bool `json:"enable_register"` // 是否启用注册
EnableCaptchaLogin bool `json:"enable_captcha_login"` // 是否启用登录验证码
EnableCaptchaRegister bool `json:"enable_captcha_register"` // 是否启用注册验证码
EnableCaptchaComment bool `json:"enable_captcha_comment"` // 是否启用评论验证码
EnableCaptchaFindPassword bool `json:"enable_captcha_find_password"` // 找回密码是否需要验证码
EnableVerifyRegisterEmail bool `json:"enable_verify_register_email"` // 是否开启注册邮箱验证
DocumentAllowedExt []string `json:"document_allowed_ext"` // 允许上传的文档类型
LoginRequired bool `json:"login_required"` // 是否需要登录才能查看文档
const (
ConfigConverterMaxPreview = "max_preview" // 最大预览页数
ConfigConverterTimeout = "timeout" // 转换超时时间
ConfigConverterEnableSVGO = "enable_svgo" // 是否启用 SVGO
ConfigConverterEnableGZIP = "enable_gzip" // 是否启用 GZIP
ConfigConverterEnableConvertRepeatedDocument = "enable_convert_repeated_document" // 是否转换已转换的重复文档
ConfigConverterExtension = "extension" // 转换后的文件扩展名,即以什么方式来浏览文档,支持 jpg、png、svg默认为svgpdf和html暂不支持
const (
// 是否允许游客下载
ConfigDownloadEnableGuestDownload = "enable_guest_download"
// 每天允许下载的次数
ConfigDownloadTimesEveryDay = "times_every_day"
// 下载链接地址签名密钥
ConfigDownloadSecretKey = "secret_key"
// 生成的下载链接有效期,单位为秒
ConfigDownloadUrlDuration = "url_duration"
// 购买文档后多少天内允许免费重复下载
ConfigDownloadFreeDownloadDuration = "free_download_duration"
1 year ago
// 允许每个IP每天下载的次数
ConfigDownloadTimesEveryIP = "times_every_ip"
type ConfigDownload struct {
1 year ago
EnableGuestDownload bool `json:"enable_guest_download"` // 是否允许游客下载(不需要登录,针对免费文档)
TimesEveryDay int32 `json:"times_every_day"` // 允许用户每天下载的次数(针对登录用户)
TimesEveryIP int32 `json:"times_every_ip"` // 允许每个IP每天下载的次数针对所有用户
SecretKey string `json:"secret_key"` // 下载链接地址签名密钥
UrlDuration int32 `json:"url_duration"` // 生成的下载链接有效期,单位为秒
FreeDownloadDuration int32 `json:"free_download_duration"` // 购买文档后多少天内允许免费重复下载
// ConfigConverter 转换配置
type ConfigConverter struct {
MaxPreview int `json:"max_preview"` // 文档所允许的最大预览页数0 表示不限制,全部转换
Timeout int `json:"timeout"` // 转换超时时间单位为分钟默认30分钟
EnableSVGO bool `json:"enable_svgo"` // 是否对svg启用SVGO压缩。转换效率会有所下降。相对直接的svg文件可以节省1/2的存储空间
EnableGZIP bool `json:"enable_gzip"` // 是否对svg启用GZIP压缩。转换效率会有所下降。相对直接的svg文件可以节省3/4的存储空间
EnableConvertRepeatedDocument bool `json:"enable_convert_repeated_document"` // 是否转换已转换的重复文档。如果开启,会导致转换效率下降,但是可以节省大量的存储空间
// GZIP和svgo都开启转换效率会有所下降可以综合节省约85%的存储空间
Extension string `json:"extension"` // 转换后的文件扩展名,即以什么方式来浏览文档,支持 jpg、png、svg默认为svgpdf和html暂不支持
1 year ago
const (
ConfigEmailEnable = "enable" // 是否启用邮件服务
ConfigEmailHost = "host" // SMTP 服务器地址
ConfigEmailPort = "port" // SMTP 服务器端口
ConfigEmailIsTLS = "is_tls" // 是否启用TLS
ConfigEmailFromName = "from_name"
ConfigEmailUsername = "username" // SMTP 用户名
ConfigEmailPassword = "password" // SMTP 密码
ConfigEmailDuration = "duration" // 验证码有效期,单位为分钟
ConfigEmailTestEmail = "test_email"
ConfigEmailReplyTo = "reply_to"
ConfigEmailSecret = "secret" // 找回密码邮件的签名密钥
1 year ago
type ConfigEmail struct {
Enable bool `json:"enable"` // 是否启用邮件服务
Host string `json:"host"` // SMTP 服务器地址
Port int `json:"port"` // SMTP 服务器端口
IsTLS bool `json:"is_tls"` // 是否启用TLS
FromName string `json:"from_name"`
Username string `json:"username"`
Password string `json:"password"`
Duration int `json:"duration"` // 验证码有效期,单位为分钟
TestEmail string `json:"test_email"`
Secret string `json:"secret"`
1 year ago
// ReplyTo string `json:"reply_to"`
const (
ConfigFooterAbout = "about" // 关于我们
ConfigFooterContact = "contact" // 联系我们
ConfigFooterAgreement = "agreement" // 用户协议
ConfigFooterCopyright = "copyright" // 版权信息
ConfigFooterFeedback = "feedback" // 反馈信息
type ConfigFooter struct {
About string `json:"about"` // 关于我们
Contact string `json:"contact"` // 联系我们
Agreement string `json:"agreement"` // 用户协议、文库协议
Copyright string `json:"copyright"` // 版权信息、免责声明
Feedback string `json:"feedback"` // 反馈
const (
// 积分名称
ConfigScoreCreditName = "credit_name"
// 注册积分
ConfigScoreRegister = "register"
// 签到积分
ConfigScoreSignIn = "sign_in"
// 上传文档积分
ConfigScoreUploadDocument = "upload_document"
// 每日上传文档积分次数限制
ConfigScoreUploadDocumentLimit = "upload_document_limit"
// 删除上传文档积分
ConfigScoreDeleteDocument = "delete_document"
// 文档被收藏获得积分
ConfigScoreDocumentCollected = "document_collected"
// 文档被收藏获得积分次数限制
ConfigScoreDocumentCollectedLimit = "document_collected_limit"
// 文档被评论获得积分
ConfigScoreDocumentCommented = "document_commented"
// 文档被评论获得积分次数限制
ConfigScoreDocumentCommentedLimit = "document_commented_limit"
type ConfigScore struct {
CreditName string `json:"credit_name"` // 积分名称
Register int32 `json:"register"` // 注册积分
SignIn int32 `json:"sign_in"` // 签到积分
UploadDocument int32 `json:"upload_document"` // 上传文档积分
UploadDocumentLimit int32 `json:"upload_document_limit"` // 每日上传文档积分次数限制
DeleteDocument int32 `json:"delete_document"` // 删除上传文档积分
DocumentCollected int32 `json:"document_collected"` // 文档被收藏获得积分
DocumentCollectedLimit int32 `json:"document_collected_limit"` // 文档被收藏获得积分次数限制
DocumentCommented int32 `json:"document_commented"` // 文档被评论获得积分
DocumentCommentedLimit int32 `json:"document_commented_limit"` // 文档被评论获得积分次数限制
const (
ConfigDisplayShowRegisterUserCount = "show_register_user_count" // 是否显示注册用户数量
ConfigDisplayShowDocumentDescriptions = "show_document_descriptions" // 是否在文档页显示文档摘要
ConfigDisplayVirtualRegisterCount = "virtual_register_count" // 虚拟注册用户数量
ConfigDisplayShowIndexCategories = "show_index_categories" // 是否显示首页分类
ConfigDisplayPagesPerRead = "pages_per_read" // 每次阅读的页数
ConfigDisplayCopyrightStatement = "copyright_statement" // 在页面最底部的版权声明
ConfigDisplayMaxSearchPages = "max_search_pages" // 搜索结果最大页数
type ConfigDisplay struct {
ShowRegisterUserCount bool `json:"show_register_user_count"` // 是否显示注册用户数量
ShowDocumentDescriptions bool `json:"show_document_descriptions"` // 是否在文档页显示文档摘要
VirtualRegisterCount int64 `json:"virtual_register_count"` // 虚拟注册用户数量
ShowIndexCategories bool `json:"show_index_categories"` // 是否显示首页分类
PagesPerRead int32 `json:"pages_per_read"` // 每次阅读的页数
MaxSearchPages int32 `json:"max_search_pages"` // 搜索结果最大页数
CopyrightStatement string `json:"copyright_statement"` // 在页面最底部的版权声明
func (m *DBModel) GetConfigOfDisplay(name ...string) (config ConfigDisplay) {
var configs []Config
db := m.db
if len(name) > 0 {
db = db.Where("name IN (?)", name)
err := db.Where("category = ?", ConfigCategoryDisplay).Find(&configs).Error
if err != nil && err != gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
m.logger.Error("GetConfigOfDisplay", zap.Error(err))
data := m.convertConfig2Map(configs)
bytes, _ := json.Marshal(data)
json.Unmarshal(bytes, &config)
func (m *DBModel) GetConfigOfFooter() (config ConfigFooter) {
var configs []Config
err := m.db.Where("category = ?", ConfigCategoryFooter).Find(&configs).Error
if err != nil && err != gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
m.logger.Error("GetConfigOfFooter", zap.Error(err))
data := m.convertConfig2Map(configs)
bytes, _ := json.Marshal(data)
json.Unmarshal(bytes, &config)
func (m *DBModel) GetConfigOfDownload(name ...string) (config ConfigDownload) {
var configs []Config
db := m.db
if len(name) > 0 {
db = db.Where("name IN (?)", name)
err := db.Where("category = ?", ConfigCategoryDownload).Find(&configs).Error
if err != nil && err != gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
m.logger.Error("GetConfigOfDownload", zap.Error(err))
data := m.convertConfig2Map(configs)
bytes, _ := json.Marshal(data)
json.Unmarshal(bytes, &config)
// GetConfigOfCaptcha 获取验证码配置
func (m *DBModel) GetConfigOfCaptcha() (config ConfigCaptcha) {
var configs []Config
err := m.db.Where("category = ?", ConfigCategoryCaptcha).Find(&configs).Error
if err != nil && err != gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
m.logger.Error("GetConfigOfCaptcha", zap.Error(err))
data := m.convertConfig2Map(configs)
bytes, _ := json.Marshal(data)
json.Unmarshal(bytes, &config)
if config.Length <= 0 {
config.Length = 6
if config.Width <= 0 {
config.Width = 240
if config.Height <= 0 {
config.Height = 60
// GetConfigOfSystem 获取系统配置
func (m *DBModel) GetConfigOfSystem(name ...string) (config ConfigSystem) {
var confgis []Config
db := m.db.Where("category = ?", ConfigCategorySystem)
if len(name) > 0 {
db = db.Where("name IN (?)", name)
err := db.Find(&confgis).Error
if err != nil && err != gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
m.logger.Error("GetConfigOfSystem", zap.Error(err))
data := m.convertConfig2Map(confgis)
// 注意:推荐的关键字,要特殊处理下
if recommendWords, ok := data[ConfigSystemRecommendWords]; ok {
var words []string
if rws, ok := recommendWords.(string); ok {
for _, word := range strings.Split(rws, ",") {
word = strings.TrimSpace(word)
if word == "" {
words = append(words, word)
data[ConfigSystemRecommendWords] = words
bytes, _ := json.Marshal(data)
json.Unmarshal(bytes, &config)
// GetConfigOfSecurity 获取安全配置
func (m *DBModel) GetConfigOfSecurity(name ...string) (config ConfigSecurity) {
var configs []Config
db := m.db.Where("category = ?", ConfigCategorySecurity)
if len(name) > 0 {
db = db.Where("name in (?)", name)
err := db.Find(&configs).Error
if err != nil && err != gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
m.logger.Error("GetConfigOfSecurity", zap.Error(err))
data := m.convertConfig2Map(configs)
bytes, _ := json.Marshal(data)
json.Unmarshal(bytes, &config)
7 months ago
if config.MaxDocumentSize <= 0 {
config.MaxDocumentSize = 50 // 默认50M
func (m *DBModel) GetConfigOfConverter() (config ConfigConverter) {
var configs []Config
err := m.db.Where("category = ?", ConfigCategoryConverter).Find(&configs).Error
if err != nil && err != gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
m.logger.Error("GetConfigOfConverter", zap.Error(err))
data := m.convertConfig2Map(configs)
bytes, _ := json.Marshal(data)
json.Unmarshal(bytes, &config)
1 year ago
func (m *DBModel) GetConfigOfEmail(name ...string) (config ConfigEmail) {
var configs []Config
db := m.db.Where("category = ?", ConfigCategoryEmail)
if len(name) > 0 {
db = db.Where("name in (?)", name)
err := db.Find(&configs).Error
if err != nil && err != gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
m.logger.Error("GetConfigOfEmail", zap.Error(err))
data := m.convertConfig2Map(configs)
1 year ago
bytes, _ := json.Marshal(data)
json.Unmarshal(bytes, &config)
m.logger.Debug("GetConfigOfEmail", zap.Any("data", data), zap.Any("config", config))
func (m *DBModel) GetConfigOfScore(name ...string) (config ConfigScore) {
var configs []Config
db := m.db.Where("category = ?", ConfigCategoryScore)
if len(name) > 0 {
db = db.Where("name in (?)", name)
err := db.Find(&configs).Error
if err != nil && err != gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
m.logger.Error("GetConfigOfScore", zap.Error(err))
data := m.convertConfig2Map(configs)
bytes, _ := json.Marshal(data)
json.Unmarshal(bytes, &config)
1 year ago
func (m *DBModel) SendMail(subject, email string, body string) error {
cfg := m.GetConfigOfEmail()
m.logger.Debug("SendMail", zap.Any("cfg", cfg), zap.String("email", email), zap.String("subject", subject), zap.String("body", body))
if !cfg.Enable {
return errors.New("邮件服务未启用")
fromName := cfg.Username
if fn := strings.TrimSpace(cfg.FromName); fn != "" {
fromName = fn
message := gomail.NewMessage()
message.SetHeader("From", message.FormatAddress(cfg.Username, fromName))
message.SetHeader("To", email)
message.SetHeader("Subject", subject)
message.SetBody("text/html", body)
// if cfg.ReplyTo != "" {
// message.SetHeader("Reply-To", cfg.ReplyTo)
// }
mail := gomail.NewDialer(cfg.Host, cfg.Port, cfg.Username, cfg.Password)
if cfg.IsTLS {
mail.TLSConfig = &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true}
return mail.DialAndSend(message)
func (m *DBModel) GetCreditName() string {
creditName := m.GetConfigOfScore(ConfigScoreCreditName).CreditName
if creditName == "" {
creditName = "魔豆"
return creditName
func (m *DBModel) convertConfig2Map(cfgs []Config) (data map[string]interface{}) {
data = make(map[string]interface{})
for _, cfg := range cfgs {
switch strings.TrimSpace(cfg.InputType) {
case InputTypeNumber:
data[cfg.Name], _ = strconv.Atoi(cfg.Value)
case InputTypeSwitch:
data[cfg.Name], _ = strconv.ParseBool(cfg.Value)
case InputTypeSelectMulti:
arr := strings.Split(cfg.Value, ",")
if len(arr) == 1 && arr[0] == "" {
arr = []string{}
data[cfg.Name] = arr
case InputTypeSelect, InputTypeText, InputTypeTextarea, InputTypePassword, InputTypeImage:
data[cfg.Name] = cfg.Value
// 这里只是做一个兼容处理。报错是为了提醒开发者,如果有新的输入类型,需要增加 InptType 的枚举常量,并在相应的表单进行处理
m.logger.Error("convertConfig2Map", zap.Error(errors.New("未知的输入类型请在枚举常量InputType中进行定义")), zap.String("inputType", cfg.InputType), zap.String("name", cfg.Name), zap.String("value", cfg.Value))
data[cfg.Name] = cfg.Value
1 year ago
func (m *DBModel) initConfig() (err error) {
closeStatement := `<div></div>
<div>使<strong></strong> <span style="color:red">2024-10-24 06:00:00</span>访</div>
// 初始化配置项
cfgs := []Config{
// 系统配置项
{Category: ConfigCategorySystem, Name: ConfigSystemSitename, Label: "网站名称", Value: "魔豆文库", Placeholder: "请输入您网站的名称,如:魔豆文库", InputType: InputTypeText, Sort: 10, Options: ""},
{Category: ConfigCategorySystem, Name: ConfigSystemDomain, Label: "【重要】网站域名", Value: "", Placeholder: "请输入您网站的域名访问地址,带 https:// 或 http:// 如 https://moredoc.mnt.ltd用以生成网站地图sitemap", InputType: InputTypeText, Sort: 11, Options: ""},
{Category: ConfigCategorySystem, Name: ConfigSystemTitle, Label: "首页标题", Value: "MOREDOC · 魔豆文库", Placeholder: "请输入您网站的首页标题,如:魔豆文库,强大、专业的文库系统", InputType: InputTypeText, Sort: 20, Options: ""},
{Category: ConfigCategorySystem, Name: ConfigSystemKeywords, Label: "网站关键字", Value: "MOREDOC · 魔豆文库", Placeholder: "请输入您网站的关键字", InputType: InputTypeText, Sort: 30, Options: ""},
{Category: ConfigCategorySystem, Name: ConfigSystemDescription, Label: "网站描述", Value: "MOREDOC · 魔豆文库", Placeholder: "请输入您网站的描述", InputType: InputTypeTextarea, Sort: 40, Options: ""},
{Category: ConfigCategorySystem, Name: ConfigSystemRecommendWords, Label: "首页搜索推荐词", Value: "", Placeholder: "网站首页搜索推荐关键字,多个关键字用英文逗号分隔", InputType: InputTypeText, Sort: 50, Options: ""},
{Category: ConfigCategorySystem, Name: ConfigSystemLogo, Label: "网站Logo", Value: "", Placeholder: "请上传一张图片作为网站Logo", InputType: InputTypeImage, Sort: 60, Options: ""},
{Category: ConfigCategorySystem, Name: ConfigSystemFavicon, Label: "网站Favicon", Value: "", Placeholder: "请上传一张方方正正的小图片作为网站favicon建议为 .ico 的图片", InputType: InputTypeImage, Sort: 61, Options: ""},
{Category: ConfigCategorySystem, Name: ConfigSystemRegistrerBackground, Label: "注册页背景图", Value: "", Placeholder: "请上传一张图片作为注册页背景图", InputType: InputTypeImage, Sort: 62, Options: ""},
{Category: ConfigCategorySystem, Name: ConfigSystemLoginBackground, Label: "登录页背景图", Value: "", Placeholder: "请上传一张图片作为登录页背景图", InputType: InputTypeImage, Sort: 63, Options: ""},
{Category: ConfigCategorySystem, Name: ConfigSystemSecIcp, Label: "京公网安备", Value: "", Placeholder: "请输入您网站的京公网安备备案号", InputType: InputTypeText, Sort: 68, Options: ""},
{Category: ConfigCategorySystem, Name: ConfigSystemIcp, Label: "网站备案号", Value: "", Placeholder: "请输入您网站的备案号", InputType: InputTypeText, Sort: 69, Options: ""},
{Category: ConfigCategorySystem, Name: ConfigSystemCopyrightStartYear, Label: "版权起始年", Value: "2019", Placeholder: "请输入您网站版权起始年2019则前台会显示如 ©2019 - 20xx 的字样", InputType: InputTypeText, Sort: 80, Options: ""},
{Category: ConfigCategorySystem, Name: ConfigSystemAnalytics, Label: "网站统计代码", Value: "", Placeholder: "请输入您网站的统计代码,当前只支持百度统计", InputType: InputTypeTextarea, Sort: 90, Options: ""},
// 验证码配置项
{Category: ConfigCategoryCaptcha, Name: ConfigCaptchaHeight, Label: "验证码高度", Value: "60", Placeholder: "请输入验证码高度默认为60", InputType: InputTypeNumber, Sort: 13, Options: ""},
{Category: ConfigCategoryCaptcha, Name: ConfigCaptchaWidth, Label: "验证码宽度", Value: "240", Placeholder: "请输入验证码宽度默认为240", InputType: InputTypeNumber, Sort: 14, Options: ""},
{Category: ConfigCategoryCaptcha, Name: ConfigCaptchaLength, Label: "验证码长度", Value: "5", Placeholder: "请输入验证码长度默认为6", InputType: InputTypeNumber, Sort: 15, Options: ""},
{Category: ConfigCategoryCaptcha, Name: ConfigCaptchaType, Label: "验证码类型", Value: "digit", Placeholder: "请选择验证码类型,默认为数字", InputType: InputTypeSelect, Sort: 16, Options: captcha.CaptchaTypeOptions},
// 安全配置项
{Category: ConfigCategorySecurity, Name: ConfigSecurityMaxDocumentSize, Label: "最大文档大小(MB)", Value: "50", Placeholder: "允许用户上传的最大文档大小默认为50即50MB。配置时仍需配置反向代理服务所允许传输的最大大小如nginx的client_max_body_size值", InputType: InputTypeNumber, Sort: 1, Options: ""},
{Category: ConfigCategorySecurity, Name: ConfigSecurityCommentInterval, Label: "评论时间间隔", Value: "10", Placeholder: "用户评论时间间隔单位为秒。0表示不限制。", InputType: InputTypeNumber, Sort: 2, Options: ""},
{Category: ConfigCategorySecurity, Name: ConfigSecurityDocumentRelatedDuration, Label: "文档的【相关文档】有效期", Value: "7", Placeholder: "文档的相关联文档的有效期默认为7即7天0或小于0表示不开启相关文档功能", InputType: InputTypeNumber, Sort: 15, Options: ""},
1 year ago
{Category: ConfigCategorySecurity, Name: ConfigSecurityAttachmentRetentionMinute, Label: "从回收站清除的文档文件保留时长", Value: "1440", Placeholder: "单位为分钟默认为1440即24小时。文档被从回收站清除之后文档文件并未真正删除用以规避操作失误的情况。设为 0 则表示即时删除文档文件,用以释放存储空间。", InputType: InputTypeNumber, Sort: 16, Options: ""},
{Category: ConfigCategorySecurity, Name: ConfigSecurityDocumentAllowedExt, Label: "允许上传的文档类型", Value: "", Placeholder: "留空表示允许程序所支持的全部文档类型", InputType: InputTypeSelectMulti, Sort: 30, Options: strings.Join(filetil.GetDocumentExts(), "\n")},
{Category: ConfigCategorySecurity, Name: ConfigSecurityIsClose, Label: "是否关闭网站", Value: "false", Placeholder: "请选择是否关闭网站", InputType: InputTypeSwitch, Sort: 160, Options: ""},
{Category: ConfigCategorySecurity, Name: ConfigSecurityCloseStatement, Label: "闭站说明", Value: closeStatement, Placeholder: "关闭网站后页面提示内容支持HTML", InputType: InputTypeTextarea, Sort: 170, Options: ""},
{Category: ConfigCategorySecurity, Name: ConfigSecurityEnableRegister, Label: "是否允许注册", Value: "true", Placeholder: "请选择是否允许用户注册", InputType: InputTypeSwitch, Sort: 18, Options: ""},
{Category: ConfigCategorySecurity, Name: ConfigSecurityLoginRequired, Label: "是否登录才能访问", Value: "false", Placeholder: "用户是否登录了才能访问", InputType: InputTypeSwitch, Sort: 18, Options: ""},
{Category: ConfigCategorySecurity, Name: ConfigSecurityEnableCaptchaLogin, Label: "是否开启登录验证码", Value: "true", Placeholder: "请选择是否开启登录验证码", InputType: InputTypeSwitch, Sort: 19, Options: ""},
{Category: ConfigCategorySecurity, Name: ConfigSecurityEnableCaptchaRegister, Label: "是否开启注册验证码", Value: "true", Placeholder: "请选择是否开启注册验证码", InputType: InputTypeSwitch, Sort: 20, Options: ""},
{Category: ConfigCategorySecurity, Name: ConfigSecurityEnableCaptchaComment, Label: "是否开启评论验证码", Value: "true", Placeholder: "请选择是否开启评论验证码", InputType: InputTypeSwitch, Sort: 21, Options: ""},
{Category: ConfigCategorySecurity, Name: ConfigSecurityEnableCaptchaFindPassword, Label: "是否开启找回密码验证码", Value: "true", Placeholder: "请选择是否开启找回密码验证码", InputType: InputTypeSwitch, Sort: 22, Options: ""},
{Category: ConfigCategorySecurity, Name: ConfigSecurityEnableVerifyRegisterEmail, Label: "是否开启注册邮箱验证", Value: "false", Placeholder: "用户注册时是否需要验证邮箱", InputType: InputTypeSwitch, Sort: 50, Options: ""},
// 底部链接
{Category: ConfigCategoryFooter, Name: ConfigFooterAbout, Label: "关于我们", Value: "/article/about", Placeholder: "请输入关于我们的链接地址,留空表示不显示", InputType: InputTypeText, Sort: 24, Options: ""},
{Category: ConfigCategoryFooter, Name: ConfigFooterContact, Label: "联系我们", Value: "/article/contact", Placeholder: "请输入联系我们的链接地址,留空表示不显示", InputType: InputTypeText, Sort: 25, Options: ""},
{Category: ConfigCategoryFooter, Name: ConfigFooterAgreement, Label: "文库协议", Value: "/article/agreement", Placeholder: "请输入文库协议的链接地址,留空表示不显示", InputType: InputTypeText, Sort: 26, Options: ""},
{Category: ConfigCategoryFooter, Name: ConfigFooterCopyright, Label: "免责声明", Value: "/article/copyright", Placeholder: "请输入免责声明的链接地址,留空表示不显示", InputType: InputTypeText, Sort: 27, Options: ""},
{Category: ConfigCategoryFooter, Name: ConfigFooterFeedback, Label: "意见反馈", Value: "/article/feedback", Placeholder: "请输入意见反馈的链接地址,留空表示不显示", InputType: InputTypeText, Sort: 28, Options: ""},
// 转换配置项
{Category: ConfigCategoryConverter, Name: ConfigConverterMaxPreview, Label: "最大预览页数", Value: "12", Placeholder: "文档允许的最大预览页数0表示不限制", InputType: InputTypeNumber, Sort: 0, Options: ""},
{Category: ConfigCategoryConverter, Name: ConfigConverterTimeout, Label: "转换超时(分钟)", Value: "30", Placeholder: "文档转换超时时间默认为30分钟", InputType: InputTypeNumber, Sort: 10, Options: ""},
6 months ago
{Category: ConfigCategoryConverter, Name: ConfigConverterExtension, Label: "预览格式", Value: "svg", Placeholder: "将文档转为特定格式以供预览", InputType: InputTypeSelect, Sort: 20, Options: "svg:SVG\njpg:JPEG\npng:PNG\nwebp:WEBP"},
{Category: ConfigCategoryConverter, Name: ConfigConverterEnableGZIP, Label: "是否启用GZIP压缩", Value: "true", Placeholder: "是否对文档SVG预览文件启用GZIP压缩启用后转换效率会【稍微】下降但相对直接的SVG文件减少75%的存储空间", InputType: InputTypeSwitch, Sort: 30, Options: ""},
{Category: ConfigCategoryConverter, Name: ConfigConverterEnableSVGO, Label: "是否启用SVGO", Value: "false", Placeholder: "是否对文档SVG预览文件启用SVGO压缩启用后转换效率会【明显】下降但相对直接的SVG文件减少50%左右的存储空间", InputType: InputTypeSwitch, Sort: 40, Options: ""},
{Category: ConfigCategoryConverter, Name: ConfigConverterEnableConvertRepeatedDocument, Label: "是否转换重复文档", Value: "false", Placeholder: "对于已转换过的文档,再次被上传时是否再转换一次", InputType: InputTypeSwitch, Sort: 50, Options: ""},
// 下载配置
{Category: ConfigCategoryDownload, Name: ConfigDownloadEnableGuestDownload, Label: "是否允许游客下载", Value: "false", Placeholder: "启用之后,未登录用户可以下载免费文档", InputType: InputTypeSwitch, Sort: 10, Options: ""},
{Category: ConfigCategoryDownload, Name: ConfigDownloadFreeDownloadDuration, Label: "购买文档后多少天内允许免费重复下载", Value: "0", Placeholder: "0表示再次下载仍需购买大于0表示指定多少天内有效", InputType: InputTypeNumber, Sort: 20, Options: ""},
{Category: ConfigCategoryDownload, Name: ConfigDownloadUrlDuration, Label: "下载链接有效时长(秒)", Value: "60", Placeholder: "生成文档下载链接后多少秒之后链接失效", InputType: InputTypeNumber, Sort: 30, Options: ""},
{Category: ConfigCategoryDownload, Name: ConfigDownloadTimesEveryDay, Label: "允许登录用户每天下载次数", Value: "10", Placeholder: "允许登录用户每天下载次数0表示不允许下载", InputType: InputTypeNumber, Sort: 40, Options: ""},
{Category: ConfigCategoryDownload, Name: ConfigDownloadTimesEveryIP, Label: "允许每个IP每天下载次数", Value: "10", Placeholder: "允许每个IP每天下载的次数0表示不允许下载针对所有用户", InputType: InputTypeNumber, Sort: 41, Options: ""},
{Category: ConfigCategoryDownload, Name: ConfigDownloadSecretKey, Label: "链接签名密钥", Value: "moredoc", Placeholder: "链接签名密钥,用于加密下载链接", InputType: InputTypeText, Sort: 50, Options: ""},
// 积分规则配置
{Category: ConfigCategoryScore, Name: ConfigScoreCreditName, Label: "积分名称", Value: "魔豆", Placeholder: "请输入网站的积分名称,默认为魔豆", InputType: InputTypeText, Sort: 1, Options: ""},
{Category: ConfigCategoryScore, Name: ConfigScoreRegister, Label: "注册", Value: "10", Placeholder: "注册时获得的积分", InputType: InputTypeNumber, Sort: 10, Options: ""},
{Category: ConfigCategoryScore, Name: ConfigScoreSignIn, Label: "签到", Value: "1", Placeholder: "每日签到获得的积分", InputType: InputTypeNumber, Sort: 20, Options: ""},
{Category: ConfigCategoryScore, Name: ConfigScoreDeleteDocument, Label: "删除文档", Value: "1", Placeholder: "删除上传文档扣除的积分0表示不扣除", InputType: InputTypeNumber, Sort: 25, Options: ""},
{Category: ConfigCategoryScore, Name: ConfigScoreUploadDocument, Label: "上传文档", Value: "5", Placeholder: "上传一篇文档可获得的积分", InputType: InputTypeNumber, Sort: 30, Options: ""},
{Category: ConfigCategoryScore, Name: ConfigScoreUploadDocumentLimit, Label: "每日上传文档奖励次数", Value: "1", Placeholder: "每天最多可以获得多少次文档上传奖励0表示无奖励。", InputType: InputTypeNumber, Sort: 40, Options: ""},
{Category: ConfigCategoryScore, Name: ConfigScoreDocumentCollected, Label: "文档被收藏", Value: "1", Placeholder: "上传的文档被收藏后获得的积分", InputType: InputTypeNumber, Sort: 50, Options: ""},
{Category: ConfigCategoryScore, Name: ConfigScoreDocumentCollectedLimit, Label: "每日文档被收藏奖励次数", Value: "1", Placeholder: "每天最多可以获得多少次文档被收藏奖励0表示无奖励。", InputType: InputTypeNumber, Sort: 60, Options: ""},
{Category: ConfigCategoryScore, Name: ConfigScoreDocumentCommented, Label: "文档被评论", Value: "1", Placeholder: "上传的文档被评论后获得的积分", InputType: InputTypeNumber, Sort: 70, Options: ""},
{Category: ConfigCategoryScore, Name: ConfigScoreDocumentCommentedLimit, Label: "每日文档被评论奖励次数", Value: "1", Placeholder: "每天最多可以获得多少次文档被评论奖励0表示无奖励。", InputType: InputTypeNumber, Sort: 80, Options: ""},
1 year ago
// 邮件配置
{Category: ConfigCategoryEmail, Name: ConfigEmailEnable, Label: "是否启用邮件服务", Value: "false", Placeholder: "邮件服务,用于找回账户密码", InputType: InputTypeSwitch, Sort: 10, Options: ""},
{Category: ConfigCategoryEmail, Name: ConfigEmailHost, Label: "SMTP 服务器地址", Value: "", Placeholder: "如", InputType: InputTypeText, Sort: 20, Options: ""},
{Category: ConfigCategoryEmail, Name: ConfigEmailPort, Label: "SMTP 服务器端口", Value: "465", Placeholder: "如465", InputType: InputTypeNumber, Sort: 30, Options: ""},
{Category: ConfigCategoryEmail, Name: ConfigEmailIsTLS, Label: "是否启用TLS", Value: "true", Placeholder: "如果是TLS端口请启用", InputType: InputTypeSwitch, Sort: 40, Options: ""},
{Category: ConfigCategoryEmail, Name: ConfigEmailFromName, Label: "发件人名称", Value: "", Placeholder: "请输入您要展示的发件人名称", InputType: InputTypeText, Sort: 50, Options: ""},
{Category: ConfigCategoryEmail, Name: ConfigEmailUsername, Label: "SMTP 账号", Value: "", Placeholder: "请输入您的邮箱账户", InputType: InputTypeText, Sort: 60, Options: ""},
{Category: ConfigCategoryEmail, Name: ConfigEmailPassword, Label: "SMTP 密码", Value: "", Placeholder: "请输入您的邮箱密码", InputType: InputTypePassword, Sort: 70, Options: "", IsSecret: true},
{Category: ConfigCategoryEmail, Name: ConfigEmailDuration, Label: "邮件有效期", Value: "30", Placeholder: "找回密码时链接有效期默认为30表示30分钟", InputType: InputTypeNumber, Sort: 80, Options: ""},
{Category: ConfigCategoryEmail, Name: ConfigEmailSecret, Label: "签名密钥", Value: "moredoc", Placeholder: "找回密码链接签名密钥", InputType: InputTypeText, Sort: 80, Options: ""},
{Category: ConfigCategoryEmail, Name: ConfigEmailTestEmail, Label: "测试邮箱", Value: "", Placeholder: "用于每次变更配置时保存发送测试邮件", InputType: InputTypeText, Sort: 90, Options: ""},
// 展示配置
{Category: ConfigCategoryDisplay, Name: ConfigDisplayShowRegisterUserCount, Label: "是否显示注册用户数", Value: "true", Placeholder: "网站首页,是否显示注册用户数", InputType: InputTypeSwitch, Sort: 10, Options: ""},
{Category: ConfigCategoryDisplay, Name: ConfigDisplayVirtualRegisterCount, Label: "网站虚拟注册用户数", Value: "0", Placeholder: "网站首页显示的用户数=真实注册用户数+虚拟注册用户数,用以避免网站初期用户注册数过少的尴尬窘境", InputType: InputTypeNumber, Sort: 20, Options: ""},
{Category: ConfigCategoryDisplay, Name: ConfigDisplayShowDocumentDescriptions, Label: "是否显示文档摘要", Value: "true", Placeholder: "文档阅读页面,是否显示文档摘要等信息", InputType: InputTypeSwitch, Sort: 21, Options: ""},
{Category: ConfigCategoryDisplay, Name: ConfigDisplayShowIndexCategories, Label: "是否显示横栏分类", Value: "true", Placeholder: "网站首页中间横栏位置,是否显示分类", InputType: InputTypeSwitch, Sort: 30, Options: ""},
{Category: ConfigCategoryDisplay, Name: ConfigDisplayPagesPerRead, Label: "文档【继续阅读】的页数", Value: "5", Placeholder: "用户阅读文档每次点击继续阅读按钮时阅读的页数默认为5表示5页", InputType: InputTypeNumber, Sort: 40, Options: ""},
{Category: ConfigCategoryDisplay, Name: ConfigDisplayMaxSearchPages, Label: "文档搜索结果最大页数", Value: "100", Placeholder: "搜索结果默认最大展示100页0表示不限制", InputType: InputTypeNumber, Sort: 50, Options: ""},
{Category: ConfigCategoryDisplay, Name: ConfigDisplayCopyrightStatement, Label: "版权声明", Value: "本站文档数据由用户上传,仅供学习交流,如侵犯您的权益,请联系我们进行删除。", Placeholder: "网站最底部版权声明支持HTML", InputType: InputTypeTextarea, Sort: 60, Options: ""},
for _, cfg := range cfgs {
existConfig, _ := m.GetConfigByNameCategory(cfg.Name, cfg.Category, "id")
if existConfig.Id > 0 {
// 更新除了值之外的所有字段
cfg.Id = existConfig.Id
err = m.db.Omit("value").Updates(&cfg).Error
if err != nil {
m.logger.Error("initConfig", zap.Error(err))
err = m.CreateConfig(&cfg)
if err != nil {
m.logger.Error("initConfig", zap.Error(err))